These are the special type of forest commonly found in the saline water areas. These forest have a special type of flora including some oviparaous trees and its associate species. Many years ago the coastel areas of kerala has around 7200 squre kilometer of mangroove forest. But because of deforestration for the land and other resourses these area is reduced into 21 square kilometer.
These mangroove forest plays very important role in the purification of saline water in the coastal areas. And these plants have a special ability to grow in salt water. Because of these property these plants give a green cover to the waste and saline areas near the sea. Also the special type of breathing roots of these plants in the lakes and other water areas provides a very good shelter to many important marine species like fishes, molluscas etc. Also they act as a breading place of them. This way they increase the marine wealth of our nation and also they reduce a great amount of carbon content in air. The mangroove forest increase the ground water level and protect the coastal areas from the natural disasters like tsunami.
The important mangroove species found in kerala are
1. Avicennia officinalis
2. Avicennia marina
3. Luminitzera Racemosa
4. Aegiceras corniculatum ( pookandal)
5. Vrugeria cilindrica
6. Brugeira sexangula
7. Rhizhophora apiculata
8. Acanthus Icifolius
9. Rhizhophora muchronata
10. Kandelia candel
Most of the kandal species are belong to the Rhizhophoracea family. The main associate species of kandal are
Dalbergia kandanatansis, poovarash, othalam, punna, machithol etc. The artificial regeneration of the kandal is done to protect the remaining areas.